As a young driver, it can be difficult to find an affordable insurance policy. Drivers in their teens and early twenties are often charged high insurance rates because of their lack of experience. This can be very frustrating, as these drivers may not have a large budget to support these higher rates. Here are some of the ways that young drivers can keep their policies affordable.
Keep your grades up
If you’re a student, maintaining good grades can actually help you get lower auto insurance rates. Statistically, good students are less likely to get into accidents, so car insurance companies offer discounts for them. Check to see if your insurance company offers a good student discount.
Pick a car that’s cheap to insure
Since your age is already going to make your insurance policy more expensive, you don’t want to choose a car that will also increase your rates. There are plenty of lists online that will tell you which cars are the cheapest to insure. Stay clear of any custom modifications to your car, as this will also increase the cost of your insurance.
Take a defensive driving class
Many insurance companies offer discounts for drivers who take safety courses. This is a great way for young drivers to save money on their insurance. The courses are usually just a few hours long, and they can teach you useful skills you may end up using when you’re out on the road.
Stay on your parents’ policy instead of getting your own
If you have the option to stay on your parents’ car insurance, it can save you money. Although their policy will go up slightly, it will still be cheaper than you purchasing your own policy, plus they’ll get a discount for having multiple cars insured. When you’re ready to move on to your own policy, you may get a loyalty discount if you stay with the same insurer.
If you’re shopping for Texas low cost auto insurance, explore our deals today. At All Star Insurance, we make it easy to get a quote fast and purchase a policy online. We offer affordable policies for everyone, including younger drivers.