If you’re a high-risk driver, getting affordable auto insurance coverage can be difficult. This is because you aren’t the ideal candidate for insurance companies due to your behavior behind the wheel. Unfortunately, even the most careful and vigilant drivers can find themselves in the high-risk group after speeding or violation charges.
Such behaviors can cause a spike in your premiums and prevent you from finding the best insurance rates. Luckily, insurance companies nowadays are more lenient to high-risk drivers as opposed to a decade ago.
You can get a variety of coverage and discounts and still raise your liability limits. Here are ways you can save on insurance as a high-risk driver.
1. Avoid filing collision claims
Collision claims are filed for damage done to your car when it collides with a fixed object, e.g., a pole, vehicle, or wall. Filing collision claims can drastically increase your premiums. Moreover, you could end up paying more in premium surcharges than out-of-pocket expenses, but this depends on the damage done.
Before filing a collision claim, consider the following:
• The out-of-pocket expenses
• Compare the out-of-pocket expenses to your increase rate and deductibles
If it’s cheaper paying for the damages yourself, do that.
2. Take a defensive driving course
This solution is only helpful for you if you don’t have a ticket on your record. Alternatively, you can take up the course before your ticket is reported to the insurance company. However, if you already have a ticket on your record, taking up this course can help you become a defensive driver and avoid future accidents and citations.
3. Drop coverage you don’t need
Consider dropping your comprehensive or collision coverage if your car is old, and you aren’t too concerned about damage. This can lower your premium rates, especially if your vehicle is worth less than your deductible.
Hire us
All Star Insurance provides cheap auto insurance for high-risk drivers in Texas. We also provide home and business insurance at the best rates that ensure you are financially protected. You can browse our online page for more information about our services.
Contact us today to get a free quote on our insurance rates.